Course Description

A complicated, yet needed subject to address, spiritual abuse has impacted a large mass of people. The repercussions can be intense. 

Many are walking around with wounds they can't identify, because they've not understood what an abusive environment will do. Worst yet, people who have been spiritually abused often carry that into the next fellowship they join. New layers of hurt build on old layers of hurt, until eventually people shut down and say "I can’t take it anymore."

This course is designed to help people experience healing from an abusive spiritual environment, be it a church or ministry organization. 

In this course, you will gain: 

  1. Insights to help you identify what spiritual abuse is and how it may have impacted your life. 
  2. Perspectives on what emotionally and spiritually healthy Christianity can look like. 
  3. How to practically heal from spiritually abusive situations. 
  4. What it takes to cultivate healthy environments. 

With what you gain in this training series, God can heal your pain and use your life as a story of restoration and overcoming. 

Videos with Handouts and Q&A Access

Teacher Mark DeJesus

Course curriculum

    1. PODCAST: Healing from Spiritual Abuse - Part 1

    2. Further Research and Reading

    1. PODCAST: Healing from Spiritual Abuse - Part 2

    1. Six Keys for Getting Perspective

    2. Session 03 Notes

    1. The Spiritual Abuse Cycle

    2. Spiritual Abuse Cycle Flow Chart

    1. Our History with Authority

    2. Session 05 NOtes

    1. Engaging the Healing Process

    2. Session 06 Notes

About this course

  • Free
  • 3.5 hours of video content