Financial Health
Fruitful Kingdom Stewardship
Be Supplied for Every Good Work in Your Life!
As people and nations crumble in fear over financial instabilities, it is critical that God’s people be armed up to walk in fruitful stewardship.
Break Off Poverty Thinking
Poverty grips those who are poor and even those who are rich. This teaching series will address a spirit of poverty--a mindset that seeks to afflict the world regarding finances and material possessions. It drives people in fear to become bound and driven by mammon--the accumulation of wealth.
God has called His children to walk in such a way that they have supply for every good work He has called them to do. Overcome the poverty spirit and take your financial victory.
This teaching series includes:
- Identifying a Spirit of Poverty
- Find out what a spirit of poverty does and what it manifests.
- Discover what true biblical prosperity means & what it does not mean.
- Addressing the Fear of Poverty
- Be free from the worry and stress regarding finances.
- 35 Blocks to Financial Blessing
Walk in Kingdom Stewardship
This training series will address the subject of stewardship, especially as it relates to our finances. Without beating around the bush, Mark addresses financial battles and how to position ourselves for better increase, fruitfulness and generosity.
You will also learn in this series:
- 10 things you need to know about your money.
- What is all this about prosperity? What does the Bible say about it? If its available, what does that look like?
In this teaching, Mark uncovers the term prosperity and dissects it from a biblical standpoint; in ways that are often not taught.
Learn the power of true prosperous living and what it means to manifest that.
Gain tools and mindsets to live in financial fruitfulness and health!
Course curriculum
Overcoming the Spirit of Poverty Part 1
Overcoming the Spirit of Poverty Part 2
Overcoming the Spirit of Poverty Part 3
Stewardship Part 1
Stewardship Part 2 Prosperity
Stewardship Part 2 Prosperity2 Bonus Session
About this course
- 9 Audio Sessions