Exposing the Rejection Mindset Online Course
Get to the root issue that keeps you from experiencing love, knowing who you are and manifesting powerful relationships.
Based on the book, "Exposing the Rejection Mindset," Mark DeJesus will help you address one the most common mindsets that keeps people in cycles of limitation, keeping them from experiencing the greater potential in life.
In this video course, you will learn:
- What it means to pursue relationship health in your life and what keeps people from it.
- How to face the war that takes place over your relationships.
- What a rejection mindset is and how it infects your identity, sense of love and relationships.
- How to address the cycle of limitations you keep running into.
- How to engage a fruitful healing process so you can let go of brokenness that interferes with your progress.
- How to break through any sense of separation in your relationship with God.
You gain greater power in your identity, as you learn:
- How to break through insecurity and battles over your identity.
- Remove influences of performance based Christianity.
- How to move from slavery in sonship.
- How to be more yourself.
How your face your life and relationships will change as you learn:
- Identify and shift areas of excessive neediness that are making your relationships toxic.
- Break through twisted communication, which destroys healthy relationships.
- Reveres patterns in your life that keep you trapped and feeling "stuck."
You will get spiritual insights and practical steps on:
- How to break free from rejection-based patterns.
- Develop empowering habits that can change your environment.
- Move into a new and empowered future that is healed and free.
Course Curriculum
01A Getting Serious About Relationship Health
01B The War Over Relationship Health
01C The Root Hindrance
01D How a Rejection Mindset Operates
Questions and Prayer
02A Family Tree Setup
02B Home Life Dynamics
02C Traumas and Dramas
02D Limited Thinking and Beliefs
02E Self-Protection
02F The Disempowering Story
02G Disempowering Story Looks for Validation
02H Rejection Follows You
02I Rejection Proves Itself to You
02J Victim Mindset Keeps You "Stuck"
Questions and Prayer
03A Healing the Heart
03B The Father Influence
03C The Mother's Nurture
03D Broken Heart Themes
Questions and Prayer
04A The Assignment of Separation
04B The Root Problem
Questions and Prayer
05A How Insecurity Works
05B God's Involvement
05C Facing Personal Insecurity
05D Discerning Insecurity
Question and Prayer
06A Hearing Who You Are
06B Getting a Revelation of Who You Are
06C Steps to Rebuilding Your Identity
Questions and Prayer

About this course
- 7 hours of video content
Exposing the Rejection Mindset
Amber Fuller
This course was helpful in teaching me about what a Rejection Mindset is and how it affected my relationship with my Father God. In turn it taught me how my ...
Read MoreThis course was helpful in teaching me about what a Rejection Mindset is and how it affected my relationship with my Father God. In turn it taught me how my improper view of Father God affected and infected my relationship with other people. My dysfunctional upbringing caused me to be a candidate for accepting "performance based" church influence. I can now say the teaching from this course and book have helped to deliver me from continuing on the path of performance based living and I now am in a growing and thriving relationship with my Abba, Father God.
Read LessWow!
Cheryl Grace
SO much good content here! I have been blessed and stretched and convicted by this course, particularly the section on the victim mindset. Mark does a grea...
Read MoreSO much good content here! I have been blessed and stretched and convicted by this course, particularly the section on the victim mindset. Mark does a great job pointing out all of the ways the rejection mindset shows up in our lives (I had a number of them!), tells us why it shows up and gives practical steps out. I've been working my way through abuse recovery and this course has helped immensely.
Read LessThank You
Anne Cox
I CANNOT thank you enough for this course. I know that, with online materials, you often don't get the feedback you might from a course in person. But please...
Read MoreI CANNOT thank you enough for this course. I know that, with online materials, you often don't get the feedback you might from a course in person. But please know that you are reaching people through the course (and the book, which I bought at the same time, although I personally find the course even more powerful). You reached me. Modules and modules, uncovering all of those areas of bondage and separation in my life. But - best of all....the very best of all....is that, contrary to many books and even counsellors that claim that they will be able to help but don't in reality, you actually provide answers that I know are going to work for me. You provide hope - for the first time in a very long time - of a different future. And you show the reader/watcher practical steps on how to get there, both on the journey through the course and in summary at the end of it. And not only practical steps. Acknowledgement of the reality that this is going to be a process. A tough process, even, involving facing pain we may have been running from. It certainly won't be a quick fix. And it certainly is not something that we can or should pray to be pulled out of - exactly as you said in your material. Instead, you show us how to approach the uphill slope involved. Indeed, you are modelling that journey yourself, in your own work and your life. Thank you. You asked in a recent questionnaire "what do you struggle with?". For me, still going through the course, it is blatantly obvious that my most significant challenge is the biggie - "accepting love". Even feeling worthy of any. I seem to believe, deep down, that I don't deserve it. That the Bible and its promises can't be for me personally. You explain through your course where those thoughts have come from, and what to do about them. I now need to do the hard work of breaking agreement with those beliefs/the thinking that contribute to that being an ongoing situation, and developing a new mindset to replace them. A new set of beliefs. A new identity from which to interact with others and indeed God (the identity I was always meant to have, I think!). Thank you, Mark. This material is without doubt the best that I have ever encountered in many years - decades even - of searching. And for any "review readers" who already have the book and are wondering whether it is still worth investing in the course, my answer would be a resounding YES! It takes the material to a completely different level.
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